Instructor of Record
POLI 281: Data in Politics I, UNC-Chapel Hill
The Information Revolution has dramatically expanded the volume of information we have about the world around us. Social scientific analytical skills are transforming many sectors—business, journalism, law, public policy, health care, and finance, to name but a few—and are more valued now than ever. However, data can also be used to mislead, and without strong data skills it’s hard to be an informed data consumer. The broad learning objective for this course is to help students develop the tools they need to be better citizens, as well as informed participants and active leaders in data driven sectors. The target audience for this course is undergraduate students with interest in the social sciences (not only Political Science), who want to use quantitative approaches to solve important problems and develop marketable analytical skills.
Spring 2025 [Syllabus]
POLI-EURO 239: Introduction to European Government, UNC-Chapel Hill
This course provides advanced undergrad students with an introduction to the main features and issues of contemporary European politics and mainly, the European Union’s core countries. Placing a major focus on theoretical explanations and empirical evidence that may account for the shape of European politics today, the class begins with the emergence of the first nation states and concludes with the developments and challenges of the postindustrial era. Throughout the semester, students build their empirical and data literacy, and practice academic writing.
Fall 2024 [Syllabus] [Full Student Evals]
Previous Syllabi
Teaching Assistant
POLI 130: Introduction to Comparative Politics, UNC-Chapel Hill
Fall 2020-Spring 2022 (Head TA); Spring 2023.
Introduction to Israeli Politics, University of Haifa
Fall 2014 - Spring 2017.
Additional Experience
Over the years I have gained further experience in different instructional capacities. These included grading for methods (Data in Politics, UNC), international relations (U.S. Foreign Policy, NYU) and theory classes (Socialist Theory, NYU), mentoring and tutoring students (Dean of Students program for academic excellence, University of Haifa), and troop instruction.